Maybe you’re not feeling yourself, not feeling okay, or simply feeling a little stuck. Maybe you’re wondering.. Who am I? What am I? Where will I be? What is going on? What is the meaning of life? Is there something wrong with me? Or maybe you’re wondering why you’re overthinking, over-reacting, feeling sad, agitated, tired, frustrated, distracted or confused?

Maybe you’re human, just like all of us.

  • Hey there! I am a Clinical Psychologist and also a board approved supervisor. I am Vietnamese-Australian and also happen to be a dog owner to a soulful husky, food fanatic and Netflix-addict.

    I have had the opportunity to be trained in several modalities such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Schema Therapy and have been working in the industry for almost a decade. I am here to lend an ear, to listen non-judgementally, to figure it out with you, to help you in your journey.

    We will use evidence based practices and there will be moments of learning and practice. We may have light bulb moments, tears, celebrations and discoveries about ourselves and others. We may make mistakes, and may learn self compassion. We can take baby steps or huge leaps.

    Life can throw us all sorts of colourful things. It is a part of my job to support you to sort those colours out, and figure out what works best for you.